Video Interviews
3D Printing in the Manufacturing Sector, What is its Value? October 14, 2019
Online Articles
How 3D Printing Looks to Reshape Manufacturing June 4, 2020
The rise of 3D printing, also called additive manufacturing, has been a major driver of the growth of industries in a global environment where automation is becoming inevitable. See More…
Key Innovations Will Outlive War on Pandemic May 23, 2020
As Covid-19 infections surge, it is reassuring to see unity of purpose and the collective effort of Kenyans in the war. See More…
3D masks – ventilators: Kenya tech-novators on virus-combat mission May 23, 2020
African scientists, engineers and innovators have turned to homegrown solutions to prepare for the worst case scenario amid the COVID-19 pandemic disruption – which at a point brought much of the world to its knees. See more…
We can get it done here’: African tech tackles coronavirus locally May 19, 2020
Mehul Shah from Ultra Red Technologies, a 3D printing company in Nairobi, said he and his partner Neeval Shah quickly realised they could be “first responders” in producing locally-made equipment. See more…
Kenya’s 3D printing community is making Covid-19 equipment to fill a deficit as caseloads rise April 15, 2020
Ultra Red Technologies, along with a coalition of other Kenyan-owned 3D printers, has borrowed from open source prototypes designed by 3DVerkstan, a company in Sweden, to print plastic face shields to fill a gap before established plastic manufacturers can create a mould and begin producing quickly at affordable prices. See More…
Ultra Red Technologies Builds 3D Printing Business in Nairobi Offering Design and Prototyping, Working Toward Clean Water February 2, 2018.
Thanks to the ambition and enthusiasm of Mehul Shah, we know 3D printing technology is going strong in Nairobi, Kenya at his company, Ultra Red Technologies. Shah founded the contract 3D printing company for clients within his community (as well as others around the globe) so they would have access to 3D design and custom printing, along with the ability to create prototypes. See More…
Kenyan Tech to Help Doctors Treat Covid-19 Cases Faster March 6, 2020
Ultra Red Technologies, along with a coalition of other Kenyan-owned 3D printers are producing a ventilator adaptor that will allow multiple treatments of Covid-19 patients and face shields. See More…
German News
- Stratasys erweitert sein Dental-Partnernetzwerk für 3D-Druck in Europa March 25, 2025Stratasys kündigt neue Partnerschaften mit Galimplant, Gold Quadrat und Metaux Precieux an, um seine Dental-3D-Drucklösungen in Europa auszubauen. Im Fokus stehen digitale, vollfarbige Zahnprothesen und die Automatisierung in Dentallaboren. Der Beitrag Stratasys erweitert sein Dental-Partnernetzwerk für 3D-Druck in Europa erschien zuerst auf 3D-grenzenlos Magazin.Marcel Thum